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Cantorial Soloist

Posted on September 13, 2024

Temple Sinai - Cranston, RI


Temple Sinai is a URJ-affiliated Reform congregation in Cranston, Rhode Island, with approximately 230 member units (families and individuals). We are seeking an energetic Cantorial Soloist to work on a part-time basis with our Rabbi as an integral part of the Temple’s worship and community leadership.  We are a music-oriented congregation and our past Soloists have been central to the identity of the congregation. Responsibilities: Liturgical Leadership: Co-officiant and integral member of the clergy team with the Rabbi on the bimah, Lead worship services and conduct Shiva services, when the Rabbi is unavailable, Sing as a congregational shaliach tzibbur (prayer leader) during: Three Friday evening services each month, One Saturday morning service each month, Be present at life cycle events, if requested, B’nei Mitzvah services, Tutor B’nei Mitzvah students weekly starting one month before the service, Participate in a rehearsal for B’nei Mitzvah services, Special congregational programs & High Holy Day services as a Soloist and collaborate with the Keyboard, Accompanist and professional choir, Work in collaboration with the Rabbi as a true partner on the continual development of prayer services and holiday celebrations according to the needs of the community & Encourage a participatory approach to congregational singing, Introduce new music to the congregational repertoire that speaks to the diversity of the Jewish musical landscape & Administrative: Recruit and hire the paid professional High Holy Day choir, including  rehearsal/practice time, with frequent rehearsals in preparation for the High Holy Days, Attend Ritual Committee meetings (currently three or four times a year) & Organize musical events, concerts, and musical scholars-in-residence. Qualifications: Experience in leading Jewish worship services and communal singing: Familiarity with Jewish music, both liturgical and contemporary, Knowledge of Torah and Haftarah chanting, Knowledge of Shabbat/High Holy Day nusach, Comfort within a Reform setting, Fluid Hebrew reading and general Judaic knowledge, Ability to teach children and adults, Credentials from a music training program, Proficient in vocal/singing & Ability to work with the religious school and preschool to provide music education to the youth of the Temple. Proficiency in guitar, piano or other instruments. Salary commensurate with experience. Salary range $35,000 – $40,000. Candidates are asked to submit a resume and two (2) video audition recordings to Joel Chase, Chair of the Cantorial Search Committee.  His email is [email protected].  The deadline for submissions is October 14, 2024. http://www.templesinairi.org
