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  • Dvar Torah

    Click HERE for an audio recording of this D'var Torah A D'var Torah for Parashat Vayeishev By Rabbi Greg Schindler ('09) Dedicated to the memory of my dear wife Barucha Esther bat Daniel v’Rachel (z”l) Dream On Dream on/ Dream on / Dream on Dream until your dreams come true - Steven Tyler (Aerosmith) Did you ever have Read More >

  • Dvar Torah

    By Rabbi Katy Allen All About the Heart I entered a patient room for a routine visit. Medical staff hovered nearby – they were having trouble with the EKG equipment, and yes, it was fine for me, the chaplain, to visit; they needed a few minutes. The patient, George (not his real name), told me Read More >

  • Dvar Torah

    Connecting with God By Marian Kleinman In the story of the sacrifice of Isaac we read on Rosh HaShanah, the sacrifice asked of Abraham can be explored as symbolic of relationships such as the relationship between ourselves and God. In today’s society, individuals are frowned upon or shunned if they tell others they are “hearing Read More >

  • Dvar Torah

    In this week's Torah portion we are witness to a grand ritual - a dramatization depicting the landscape of choices within which we all reside, at all times. One half of the Israelite tribes are told to stand on Mt. Gerizim while the other half of the tribes are to stand on Mt. Ebal. Between Read More >

  • Dvar Torah

    By Rabba Kaya Stern-Kaufman This week's Torah portion tells the story of several crisis points in the life of one ancient family. As the parashah opens, the family constellation includes husband Abraham, first wife- Sarah, surrogate mother-Hagar and the firstborn son of Hagar and Abraham-Ishmael. The text begins with the annunciation of Isaac's birth. As Read More >

  • Dvar Torah

    By Rabba Kaya Stern-Kaufman This week's parashah, Va-Yishlah focuses on the homeward journey of Jacob and his family. This entire sidrah seems to swing widely between the poles of blessing and calamity. While the overt context of the parashah focuses on Jacob's inner and outward journeys, the feminine voices within the family are struck down Read More >

  • Dvar Torah

    By Rabbi Kaya Stern-Kaufman And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.  (Ezek. 36:26) In Parashat Va'eira the Torah presents Pharaoh's response to the successive plagues meted out Read More >

  • Dvar Torah

    By Rabba Kaya Stern-Kaufman Mitzvah gedolah l'hiyot b'simhah tamid-It is a great mitzvah to always be happy. -R. Nachman of Bratslav The light is ascending, spring approaches, the season of ge'ulah, of redemption, is upon us and therefore Joy is required! The essence of the celebration of Purim is Joy. The month of Adar is Read More >

  • Dvar Torah

    By Rabba Kaya Stern-Kaufman Parashat Shemini begins with the 'grand opening' of the Tabernacle. Aaron and his sons have been properly garbed and consecrated for their task of serving as priests. Aaron offers the very first sacrifices upon the altar, and to the astonishment of all those gathered, God responds by sending forth a fire that Read More >

  • Dvar Torah

    By Rabba Kaya Stern-Kaufman The wilderness travels in the book of Bemidbar begin with the description of the Israelite's camp, its orientation to the four directions: the Tabernacle at the center and the identifying banners of the twelve tribes flying at the front of each tribal camp. This is a traveling camp. It will dismantle Read More >