Parashat Bereisheet 5785

October 21, 2024

Rabbi Marge Wise (AJR '21)

What does it mean to be accountable, to take responsibility? Is it a Jewish imperative? Is it a secular concept? Whom does it apply to and in what circumstances?

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Parashat Ha’azinu – 5785

September 30, 2024

Rabbi Greg Schindler (’09)

Calling G-d “The Rock” seems such a familiar expression that you might expect to see it a lot in the Torah. But it is not until this week, in Parashat Ha’azinu – at almost the end of the Torah – that we first hear G-d referred to as “The Rock”:

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Parashat Ki Tavo 5784

September 16, 2024

Hazzan Rabbi Luis Cattan ('20)

Parashat Ki Tavo, which we read this week, outlines a series of blessings contingent upon following God’s commandments and a series of curses for disobedience. This serves as a warning of what to expect upon entering the Promised Land.

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Parashat Ki Teitzei 5784

September 9, 2024

Rabbi Matthew Goldstone

Our parashah this week opens with a somewhat disturbing series on scenarios – a man takes a captured woman and makes her his wife, a man with two wives tries to favor the child of his preferred wife, and a rebellious son is killed for not listening to his parents. Rashi, based on Midrash Tanhuma, explains that this sequence is interconnected – forcing this woman to be his wife will lead to hatred and attempting to disinherit her son, leading to a rebellious child.

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