Lay Leader

By |2024-03-29T23:01:54-04:00March 8, 2024|

We are a small, Reform congregation of about 25 member units of mostly seniors in the Glendale, CA area. We are a warm, welcoming and caring community. We are now served by a beloved Cantor with more than 50 years of experience and a student rabbi, who will be ordained (and leaving us) in May. We do not have a religious school. We have Shabbat and/or holiday services 1-2 times per month, on Friday evenings or Saturday mornings with in-person and Zoom options. We have a community Passover seder and celebrate the High Holidays (RH, one day; YK includes Kol Nidre and YK Day) – also with Zoom and in person options. We have celebrated Tu B’Shevat, Purim and Hanukah, sometimes instead of a Shabbat service and sometimes in conjunction with a Shabbat service. We are looking for an educated person who can lead services in partnership with our Cantor. Read More >