Senior Rabbi

By |2024-10-11T16:12:31-04:00December 29, 2023|

We are seeking a Senior Rabbi for Pastoral Counseling and Care, Education Scholarship – text knowledge/ Halakhah/Hebrew), Prayer Leader, Public Speaking – sermonizing, framing, depth, Torah Reading & Pulpit. Our mission is, “To serve as a vibrant center for the practice and teaching of Conservative Judaism; to create a spiritual and social atmosphere in which Congregants feel part of a larger Synagogue family.” Our motto is, “Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors.” We are and welcome a diverse population. We are informal and pride ourselves on a warm and inviting culture. Along with religious services, we have many programs to bring our members together – we are a very social congregation. We have weekly Minyan services (held virtually on Monday and Thursday and also in person on Sundays). There is a robust Coffee and Learn which attracts both members and non members. We have a program which is a study Read More >