Lech-Lecha Journeys Trek Leader 2024 & Beyond
Lech-Lecha facilitates empowering journeys into the outdoors that catalyze personal and spiritual growth, connection with the wonder of Hashem’s creation, meaningful interpersonal relationships, and joyful community deeply rooted in Torah and a holistic approach to Jewish practice. Our backpacking, canoeing, rock climbing expeditions and cabin retreats seek to foster vibrant communities of outdoor adventurers embarking on a Jewish future animated by our heritage and inspired by the ecological synergy of Hashem’s creation. We envision an empowered generation courageously building lives and communities committed to growth and wholeness. Lech Lecha’s Trek Leaders are guides, teachers, and friends. Our experienced team of leaders train together and support one another to facilitate safe, professional treks, share and encourage deep and connecting Jewish content, and build authentic relationships with participants, forming a beautiful community. We are developing a roster of Trek Leaders for this summer and beyond. If interested but currently unavailable, please apply Read More >