High Holiday Cantor

By |2024-06-06T19:38:51-04:00June 6, 2024|

We are an egalitarian, conservative, member-led Chavurah that has been in existence for 20 years. Our members have always led services, both during High Holidays and Shabbat and Regalim. Because of attrition, we find ourselves short of daveners; therefore, we need help to fill out all the davening and maybe Torah reading parts of the service. We are looking for someone who can function as Chazan Rishon on some days and Chazan Sheini on other days. We can go discuss the details later.  NOTE. If it is the appropriate candidate, we can consider the possibility of continuing for some Shabbatot during the year. We use Mahzor Lev Shalem. The Chazan meets with one of our members, who serves as the leader of the service and goes over the service to discuss which parts we sing and which parts we skip. We have different leaders on different days. Our members daven Read More >