
By |2024-06-06T19:34:35-04:00June 6, 2024|

We are looking for a passionate and engaged part time clergyperson who will bring excitement, joy and spiritual leadership to our Conservative congregation. The candidate can be a rabbi, cantor, student rabbi, or student cantor. Our clergyperson should have experience leading Shabbat services (Friday evening and Saturday morning) and all holiday services and must have the ability to chant Torah (triennial cycle) and Haftorah, as well as present d’var Torah. This candidate will work in conjunction with our current Rabbi, who is semi-retiring and will continue to manage life-cycle events and congregational needs for one year. The Rabbi must be willing to drive to and from the synagogue on Shabbat and holidays. This is a part-time position that will start in September 2024 and will have the potential to segue into a full-time position after one year. Temple Beth Or is an all-inclusive, egalitarian traditional Conservative synagogue that seeks to Read More >