וְיֵעָשׂוּ כֻלָּם אֲגֻדָּה אֶחָת לַעֲשׂוֹת רְצוֹנְךָ בְּלֵבָב שָׁלֵם

All shall unite to do God's will with an open heart.

וְיֵעָשׂוּ כֻלָּם אֲגֻדָּה אֶחָת לַעֲשׂוֹת רְצוֹנְךָ בְּלֵבָב שָׁלֵם

All shall unite to do God's will with an open heart.

4 12, 2023

High Holiday Officiant

By |2023-12-04T11:14:14-05:00December 4, 2023|

Temple Sholom is seeking an officiant for both Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur 2024. Skills required: Shofar Blowing, Torah Reading & Sermon Delivery. It will be helpful if the officiant has sufficient computer skills to create a service for visual tefilah although this is not a requirement. Salary: $5,000.00, travel to be reimbursed up to $500.00 (mileage and/or expense). Accommodations can be arranged. Contact: Ira Simon at (914) 799-0921, e-mail: [email protected]. Website: https://templesholomny.org


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