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Cantor-Educator of Jewish Life & Living

Posted on December 4, 2023

Temple Beth Sholom of Orange County - Santa Ana, CA


Temple Beth Sholom of Orange County (TBS), is the oldest Reform synagogue in Orange County, California. For over eight decades, we have fostered strong Jewish identity and practice with innovative forms of Jewish expression, blending deep commitment to Tikkun Olam simultaneously. Building on our strong foundation, we are poised to launch our community into a new era of expansion, innovation and creativity. Our future is more than a question of numbers – it is also a challenge to reimagine and reshape how we rethink assumptions, experiment with innovations, multiply entry points and increase opportunities for participation. Our Early Childhood Center (ECC) is considered the best in OC, with a standing waiting list, having to add classrooms and teachers every year. The most important aspect of Temple Beth Sholom, however, is the people: this is a community where the concept of “k’hilah k’dosha” is a living reality. Our dedicated, energetic and committed volunteers are the backbone of TBS. They bring to life our vision, values and all we do. Chavurot are an integral aspect of TBS life, providing “friends who are like family” for each other, social opportunities both within and outside of TBS events. Newcomers are welcomed to services and events with open arms and made to feel special, often not the case in synagogue life. If someone (or even the clergy!) is sick, members will call and offer food, rides and assistance with anything you need. The most special part of TBS are the people who make this place “home” for all who walk in our doors. We are seeking a dynamic leader with a background in Jewish education and music. You are an innovative thinker with a passion for the enrichment of modern Jewish life. You are looking for the opportunity to share and implement your creative ideas, to enhance worship, rituals and education at TBS. You love working in a collaborative team environment, partnering with staff, lay leaders, and members to build community. This role, together with our Senior Rabbi, Executive Director and Early Childhood Education Director forms our Professional Leadership Team. Together they will collaborate with our lay leaders and each other to bring TBS’s vision, values and goals to fruition. Partnering with the Senior Rabbi, you will focus on our vision to enhance Jewish experience, engaging families, as well as helping to evolve our worship and ritual to elevate member engagement. We feel that bringing more music, as well as a greater variety of music to our community will help to achieve this goal. (We are a community that loves music, both what’s familiar and what is new to us). Qualifications: Cantorial or Rabbinic Ordination from an accredited seminary, Vocal and instrumental musical proficiency and experience, A degree in Jewish Studies and /or Jewish education, Experience as a Jewish educator, preferably across differing age groups, Demonstrated ability to build effective relationships, Experience leading worship, including chanting liturgy, Torah and Haftarah, Relevant experience engaging younger individuals and families and Excellent facilitation, oral and written skills. Salary Range: $106,000 – $125,000 + benefits. Full-time. Please send cover letter and resume to Rabbi Sharon Sobel: [email protected]. Website: https://tbsoc.com.