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High Holy Day Hazzan/it

Posted on May 14, 2024

Temple Beth-El - Richmond, VA

Conservative, Egalitarian, Inclusive/Diverse

Temple Beth-El is dedicated to leading people into growing relationships with Jewish community, wisdom, and practice that help them thrive intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually and that inspire them to build a more compassionate, just, and peaceful world. Temple Beth-El, a dynamic, inclusive, and fully egalitarian Conservative congregation in Richmond, VA, seeks a musically gifted individual knowledgeable in Jewish liturgy and ritual to serve as our High Holy Day Hazzan/it this year. Responsibilities to include: Working with our Rabbi as a bimah partner over the summer and during the High, Holy Day season to design and lead services, Leading Ma’ariv on the eve of the 1st day of Rosh HaShanah, as well as Torah service and Musaf on both days of Rosh Hashanah plus participation on Shabbat following Rosh HaShanah; exact role on Shabbat to be discussed, Collaborating with the Rabbi and/or congregant musicians to design and lead a creative service on the eve of the 2nd day of Rosh HaShanah, Leading Kol Nidrei, Ma’ariv, Torah service, Yizkor, Musaf, and Neilah on Yom Kippur & Visiting Richmond at least once prior to Rosh Hashanah to work with Rabbi Salston and lay leaders in person on preparations to include leading services and leyning on a Shabbat weekend early in Elul. Additional option: Reprise your role as guest cantor on Shemini Atzeret, Simchat Torah, and Shabbat weekend October 23-27, 2024. Details to be confirmed later may include leading portions of the festival and shabbat services, leyning, and potentially teaching in collaboration with Rabbi Salston and lay leaders. Additional option: Provide teaching and/or musical experience for our students at Sunday religious school if in session contiguous to a visit above (likely Oct 6th following Rosh Hashanah or Oct 27th following Simchat Torah). Exact role to be discussed if interested. Our congregation loves the traditional nusah, including commonly-known cantorial pieces for certain special prayers (e.g., Kol Nidrei). We also enjoy singing along with familiar congregational melodies as well as incorporating newer music into our worship. In the past, leaders have even introduced original compositions into the service, which has often been well-received. We permit, but do not require, the use of musical instruments in our High Holy Day services. We use Mahzor Lev Shalem, and our Rabbi and selected congregants add supplementary kavvanot and English prayers throughout the service. Members of the congregation typically lead Psukei D’Zimrah and Shacharit on both days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, as well as Yom Kippur minhah, and handle all of the Torah/haftarah chanting. Additionally, our Underground Band, small HHD choir, and other congregant musicians enjoy participating in various in-service settings. Specifics to be discussed with interested applicants. At peak times, we generally have 400-600 people in our newly renovated sanctuary on High Holidays. Many members will also join via Zoom/livestream. Temple Beth-El is committed to nurturing an inclusive and affirming community for all. Individuals of all ages, life stages, racial identities, ethnic backgrounds, physical and mental abilities, gender expressions, and sexual orientations are encouraged to apply. Compensation: $10,000 inclusive of Rosh Hashanah+Shabbat, Yom Kippur (Oct 3-5 and Oct 11-12), $1,000 additional for TBD Elul Shabbat (likely Sept 6-7 or Sept 13-14), $2,500 additional for optional Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah/Shabbat, Oct 23-27 & $13,500 total plus travel/accommodations (including optional Oct 23-27). Contact: Mike Doniger, [email protected]. https://www.bethelrichmond.org.