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Interim Rabbi

Posted on March 29, 2024

Congregation Kol Shalom - Annapolis, MD

Conservative, Inclusive/Diverse

Our clergy will lead services, along with a lay leader, on Friday nights (currently on Zoom), and Saturday mornings (in person and on Zoom), including a sermon/d’var Torah and reading Torah. They will also participate with the religious school on Sunday mornings at T’filah and class visits, lead adult education classes, and be available for life cycle events. We offer traditional services Friday night and Saturday mornings. We only occasionally use musical instruments. We have no choir or band. The Rabbi provides a Tot Shabbat service on Fridays at the preschool, and visits religious school classrooms and services. We offer participation to non-Jewish spouses in all activities, and at services we allow Bimah participation for aliyot, as long as accompanied by a Jewish person. Our ideal candidate will preserve our warm and welcoming atmosphere, demonstrate kindness, accept our egalitarian culture and Conservative tradition, value connecting with the congregants, present interesting and relevant sermons, and be willing to engage with our young people. It may be necessary to drive to the synagogue on Shabbat mornings, since our address is aptly on Hidden Meadow Lane, and we are 2-3 miles from the nearest hotel. We are aware that the Conservative movement does not currently allow clergy to officiate at interfaith weddings. We would welcome our clergy to officiate at gay marriages. Once the clergy is hired, they could work on preserving our family-friendly atmosphere and lay participation, include more opportunities for engaging with younger members and their families and intergenerational programs, and continue adult education, perhaps trying a class in the evening to include working members. While we are diverse in our ages and political persuasions, we are respectful and caring about all of our congregants, and largely function as one community. We offer Zoom only on Friday evening service and on Shabbat mornings for those who prefer to joi us remotely. In brief, that is how we function – adaptably, respectfully, and cooperatively. We prefer a full time Rabbi, and also acknowledge that a part-time position may be acceptable for the year. Salary: Up to $140,000 for a full-time position. If part-time, the salary would be dependent on the amount of time negotiated. No benefits. Seeking to fill this position before July 1, 2024. Co-Chair of Search Committee: Jamie Adkins, [email protected] & Sharon Kolstad, [email protected]. https://kolshalomannapolis.org.