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Posted on March 11, 2024

Jericho Jewish Center - Jericho, NY

Conservative, Traditional

Jericho Jewish Center is a traditional Conservative synagogue located in Nassau County, Long Island, New York. We are seeking a part-time Rabbi to serve as our spiritual leader and be the face of the congregation within the wider community. The candidate must be proficient in leyning Torah and have the knowledge and skill set to participate in all aspects of the traditional weekly, Shabbat and Festival services. Candidates with ordination from Reform, Reconstructionist or online seminaries will not be considered. A part-time or full-time housing option is available. The ideal candidate will join us in revitalizing and expanding our congregation and will be flexible in accepting our current ritual practice which includes leyning the full parashah and counting women as part of the minyan. Women are offered aliyot beyond the first three and also leyn Torah and chant haftorot/megillot. However, they do not serve as the shaliach tzibbur or as a gabai. Responsibilities include ritual obligations and pastoral care with the ability to: serve as shaliach tzibbur, leyn Torah and chant haftorah/megillot on a rotating basis, with our lay leaders, deliver a brief d’var Torah/sermon during Shabbat and Festival services, conduct life-cycle events, actively participate in retaining current and recruiting new members, teach classes and lead/facilitate study groups, regularly visit/phone members who are ill or in need of support & join us for weekday morning minyans whenever possible. Salary Range: $25,000 – $60,000 (p/t salary range depending on duties/commitments). Because this is a part-time position, the salary offered will be commensurate to the applicant’s time commitment in addressing the needs of the congregation. Minimally, but certainly not ideally, a rabbi who will join us only on Shabbat and Festivals will be given housing. Optimally, he will be a member and leader of our community teaching classes, providing pastoral services and conducting life cycle events as per his availability. Again, it is expected that the candidate has outside responsibilities that will provide additional sources of income and benefits. We can offer parsonage — a beautiful private home across the street from the synagogue in a most desirable community in Nassau County. We are unable to offer additional benefits.Seeking to fill this position before Fall 2024. To apply for this position, please send an e-mail, together with a Letter of Interest and a copy of your most recent resume, to: [email protected]. www.jerichojc.com.
