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Weekly Shabbat Torah Reader 

Posted on December 4, 2023

Temple Beth Sholom of Fair Lawn - Fair Lawn, NJ

Conservative, Traditional

Temple Beth Sholom is an adult-centered, traditional, conservative Jewish Congregation of approximately 95 households.  Established in 1959, we have a strong sense of community and a commitment to davening together and sharing a kiddush on Shabbat mornings. Our congregation has remained faithful to conservative tradition including full torah reading and readers repetition of the Amidah at Shacharit and Musaf. Our congregation: Uses of the Sim Shalom Siddur for Shabbat and Holiday services, Does Include women in our minyan and have mixed seating & While women do not receive aliyot they may lead readings and prayers (for example: Prayer for our Country, Prayer for the State of Israel, and Prayer for Peace).  A candidate should be well-versed in the trope (Cantillation) of the Torah Reading and should have sufficient experience that would enable them to chant the Parshah clearly and audibly on Shabbat and Holidays.  The candidate would be required to attend at minimum two Shabbat services per month (but we would prefer every Shabbat and Holiday) and chant Torah at that service. Our synagogue does not require that this person be within its walking distance. This is an in-person position. Salary: $300 week. To apply for this position please send (email) a resumé, introductory cover letter to the President of Temple Beth Sholom of Fair Lawn President at [email protected]. The sending of an audio sample is optional but welcome. Website: www.tbsfl.org
