What’s Jewish about Vegetarianism

Michael Kasper

The Pluralism of Music in a Cultural Appropriation World

Abby Kelman

What to Expect When Negotiating Clergy Contracts

Bronwen Mullin

Complex Halakhic Pastoral Conversion Case Studies

David Markus

Bsimhah Tamid: The Pastoral Dance of Joy and Sadness

Geoff Mitelman

Why the Science Religion Discussion is So Toxic And How to Make it Better

Hillel Deutsch

How to Lose a god in Ten Plagues

Ilana Davidov

Hebrew Slang

Jef Segelman

Some Comments on the Halakhot of Purim and Megillat Esther

Jill Hammer

Sefer Yetzirah as a Spiritual Practice

Lenny Levin

Heschel’s Pluralistic Rabbinic Theology

Matthew Goldstone

Should We Compel Others to Do Teshuvah

Matthew Goldstone

Halakhic Sources for Constituting a Minyan on Zoom

Maya Resnikoff

Making Synagogues Welcoming to Young Families with Infants

Tova Markenson

Building and Sustaining a Mentorship Network

Tzvee Zahavy

Battle of Theologies Halakha Man vs Talmud Man

Yakir Englander

Death of God Theology

Yakir Englander

The Israel American Community Challenges Leadership and New

Yonah Lavery Yisraeli

Soferut Stam: An Introduction to Some Key Ideas and Practices

Naomi Kalish

Listening to Megillat Esther with a Chaplains Ears