Freehold Jewish Center/Congregation Agudath Achim (FJC) is proud to offer a full time Rabbinical position. The candidate will be responsible for leading the congregation in all aspects of prayer service: daily, Shabbat, all holidays; lein Torah, officiate at lifecycle rituals and provide religious and spiritual guidance. It is important that our Rabbi has a certificate of Smicha. We are a small congregation looking to enhance participation and we are hopeful to grow the membership with great ideas and energy. If you feel the FJC may be your professional and personal bashert we cannot wait to hear from you!
Personality and skill set: The Rabbinical candidate should embrace an enthusiastic approach to imparting knowledge and inspiration to our members, be open minded and creative with strong communication skills, engaging members with warmth and empathy. Our Rabbi is a leader and a team player, working with the Board of Read More >