Congregation Beth Israel of the Palisades (CBIOTP) was formed in 2015 through a merger of two synagogues with history dating back to the 1920s. We are egalitarian and align with the Conservative movement, but are not a member of USCJ. CBIOTP is a small congregation with an engaged membership that regularly attends in-person Shabbat morning services. We are blessed with intelligent congregants, who are open to creative programming and ask probing and astute questions. During services, the congregation sings with gusto and participates strongly. After services, there is a Kiddush luncheon, where people linger to talk. Congregants are warm and inviting, get along well, and engage in a friendly manner with each other. CBIOTP is also the home of the Fort Lee Holocaust Museum, which we are planning to reopen to the public in the fall. Currently, we do not hold Friday night services. Shabbat morning services are traditional, but Read More >