School Rabbi

By |2024-04-22T18:32:07-04:00April 22, 2024|

Sinai Akiba Academy is a preeminent private Jewish day school in Los Angeles, serving students in Early Childhood through Grade 8. Sinai Akiba Academy is undergirded by our school mission to engage students in the joy and discipline of learning, and nurture a community of ethical, critical thinkers who, shaped by our evolving Jewish tradition, walk through the world with confidence and humility. Our core values of Kehillah Kedoshah (Sacred Community); Talmud Torah (Academic Excellence); Derech Eretz (Kindness, Empathy, & Respect); Tzedek, Tzedek Tirdof (Ethical Responsibility); Avodat Halev (Soulful Intention), and Ahavat Yisrael (Love for Israel) serve as a commitment with the students, families and community members that we serve to energize the present, explore the past, and embrace the future. The SAA School Rabbi represents and guides the lev (heart) and neshama (soul) of Sinai Akiba Academy, is a member of the Sinai Akiba Senior Administrative Team, works very Read More >