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High Holiday Cantor

Posted on April 8, 2024

Congregation Beth Shalom - Naperville, IL

Inclusive/Diverse, Independent/Non-Denominational

Congregation Beth Shalom (CBS) is an inclusive and growing community of over 240 families located in Naperville, Illinois. Our thriving Preschool, Religious School, Adult Education, & Senior Groups contribute to our participatory, joyous celebration of Jewish life. As an Independent congregation, we provide a spiritual home for the broad mix of individuals and families living in the Western suburbs of Chicago. Our members represent varied traditions and beliefs, and we practice Judaism with joy. High Holiday Cantor Position: CBS is seeking a talented and personable music leader to co-lead 5785 High Holiday services with our Rabbi and lay choir. Our diverse congregation is welcoming and actively participates musically in services.  Bring your ruach and kavanah to Erev Rosh Hashanah, First Day Rosh Hashanah, Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur services. You will work with our High Holiday team using your collaboration and teamwork skills to enhance the musical and spiritual experience for our community. Primary Responsibilities: Working with our Rabbi and High Holiday planning team to create meaningful and uplifting services & Working with our choir director and lay choir, including 6 rehearsals beginning in August (in-person or via Zoom, depending on location of candidate). Additional Responsibilities, based on ability and availability, may include: Helping plan and run youth services. Ideal Qualifications: We encourage all applicants with experience including: Ordained/Certified Cantors, Rabbis, Cantorial Soloists, Cantorial Students and Jewish Musical Educators/Musicians and Song Leaders. Our High Holiday Machzor is Kol Haneshemah: Prayerbook for the Days of Awe. Ability to pass background checks is required. Compensation commensurate with experience $8000 – $10000, plus travel, lodging and meals. Contract & Seasonal. Submit your cover letter, resume and voice recordings to: [email protected]. www.napershalom.org.
