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Kol Bo (Rabbi/Cantor)

Posted on December 4, 2023

Temple Ner Tamid - Peabody, MA


Temple Ner Tamid (TNT), a conservative congregation of 200+ members, is seeking a full-time Rabbi (Kol Bo). TNT is an active congregation with a growing Hebrew School. Our Adult Education Committee hosts Lunch and Learn sessions, a Book Club, and brings a variety of programs and speakers to the Temple. Our Social Action group runs many projects such as working at a local food pantry, food drives, coat drives, and back pack and toy drives to help local children. Our Sisterhood and Men’s Club run many social and learning opportunities, provide support to Temple functions and college scholarships. We are a hamish, egalitarian community that welcomes all to our services and events. We are located on the North Shore of Boston, MA in an area that is close to a Jewish day school, active JCC, and centrally located to many walking trails and beaches. Our location also provides easy access to major highways and the airport. We are looking for an ordained Rabbi to act as the Marata D’Atra, render Halachic decisions, be guided by the tenants of conservative judaism and lead services. Responsibilities include: Provide pastoral & spiritual care for all members of the congregation – We believe that caring for the emotional and spiritual well-being of our membership is the primary task of our Rabbi, Lead meaningful Shabbat and Yom Tov services Teach adult education on topics of interest and inspiration, Guide and support lay-led daily and shiva minyanim, Be involved in the local community – meeting with other clergy, political and educational leaders to represent the needs of Peabody Jewry and to work cooperatively to enhance the local community, Perform life cycle ceremonies, Support the religious school. Our school is growing and the rabbi should be involved in all aspects of religious education of our youth, Attend board meetings and appropriate other committee meetings, Lain Torah and Haftorah & Provide B’nai mitzvah training. The candidate should reside in the area This position offers benefits including Medical insurance, retirement plan, paid vacation/Holidays. The compensation package (commensurate with experience) is $110,000 to $140,000. Please send your applications to Loretta Band @ [email protected]. https://templenertamid.org.

(updated 2/21/25)