Part-time Jewish Chaplain
Posted on January 3, 2025
Bentley University - Hillel Council of New England - Waltham, MA
Inclusive/Diverse, Not Applicable
Bentley University is more than just one of the nation’s top business schools. It is a transformative lifelong-learning community that inspires and prepares ethical students to use their business know-how to make a positive difference in the world. With a blend of business, technology and the arts and sciences, Bentley provides students with critical thinking and practical skills to help them collaborate effectively in different settings and prepare them to lead successful, rewarding careers. The university enrolls approximately 4,200 undergraduate and 1,000 graduate and PhD students. Bentley was founded in 1917 and is set on 163 acres in Waltham, Massachusetts, 10 miles west of Boston. The Bentley Spiritual Life Center proactively supports the spiritual well-being of the Bentley Community. Through a commitment to curiosity and kindness, we seek to empower students on journeys of self-discovery and meaningful engagement with the rich diversity of perspectives and traditions present in our community. By fostering internal reflection and external dialogue, we empower students to lay foundations for lives characterized by purpose, authenticity, creativity, and connection. Through tailored support for our various religious communities on campus, we ensure equitable and inclusive experiences that nurture a sense of belonging for all students. As a secular university, we prioritize religious literacy and intercultural competencies, offering opportunities for students to forge interfaith friendships, explore new practices, and collaborate on service projects as a united, diverse community. Together, we strive to create a vibrant and supportive environment where all members of the Bentley community can explore, grow, connect and thrive spiritually. Hillel Council of New England (HCNE) is a multi-campus Hillel currently serving seven campuses with small Jewish populations in Massachusetts. HCNE’s mission is to connect Jewish students on campuses across New England to each other and to the local and global Jewish community. Our vision is to inspire students to explore their Jewish identity and strengthen their connection to Judaism and the Jewish people. We achieve this by meeting students where they are on their individual journeys, and by providing them with meaningful experiences and support on campus, in New England, and around the world. Bentley University in partnership with Hillel Council of New England (HCNE). Hours: 14-17/week, 9 months/year (late August through late May), Fridays: at the office / Sacred Space 3:00 – 7:00 pm (preparation for and delivery of weekly Shabbat program), 2-3 additional days per week to connect with students, offer classes, etc., Approximately 1 hour per week for email and communication outside of on-campus presence, 1:1 meetings with the Director of Spiritual Life 2x/month, 1:1 meetings with the Executive Director of Hillel Council of New England 2x/month, Regular and ongoing coordination with the Hillel Jewish Life Coordinator & Delivery of High Holiday services (1 Rosh Hashanah and 1 Yom Kippur. Compensation: Stipend of $18,000 paid monthly for 9 months ($2,000/month) Job duties: Working with the Jewish community on campus, and in particular the Hillel Student Executive Board and Jewish Life Coordinator, in developing and implementing educational and religious/spiritual programs for the Jewish student community, Lead all service components of our weekly Friday Shabbat dinner on campus, Create additional Shabbat and holiday programming throughout the year based on the interest of the Jewish student community, Collaborate with the Spiritual Life chaplaincy team to coordinate an Interfaith Shabbat meal and program once a month, Serve as a point of contact for spiritual guidance and support, including in any times of crisis such as antisemitic incidents on campus, Support robust, diverse programming to engage a spectrum of students who identify as culturally Jewish to Modern Orthodox, Develop one-on-one relationships with Jewish students by meeting them where they live, work, and/or study, utilizing creative methods to reach and connect them to Jewish life and empower newly engaged students to create and implement meaningful Jewish experiences with and for their peers, Working as part of the Multifaith team as an active participant in all relevant interfaith and multicultural programs and trainings as appropriate. The Jewish Chaplain would also attend Spiritual Life staff meetings whenever possible, Working as part of the student-facing staff team at HCNE, attend staff meetings, professional development, and regional programs where possible, depending on availability, Liaise with other campus departments for division-wide and campus-wide initiatives as determined by the Director of Spiritual Life. This may include Orientation, Diversity and Inclusion training, Enrollment and Family and Alumni events, Residential Life, and Dining Services & Maintain relationships with and support for formal and informal Jewish student communities on campus in addition to Hillel. Responsibilities: Advocate for an inclusive climate for Jewish students, including but not limited to, dietary, residential and academic accommodations, Support the ongoing education of the Bentley community to combat antisemitism and bolster Jewish inclusion and belonging, Set-up the Sacred Space each Friday to prepare for Shabbat programming, completed no later than 4:00pm, Be organized and fully present to welcome those attending, Collect and manage attendance and mailing list data from weekly programming for student engagement as part of Hillel’s regional student engagement strategy, using Hillel’s participant tracking database (HEART), Send a weekly reminder email to Jewish Community, in coordination with the Jewish Life Coordinator, Help promote the growth of Shabbat dinner attendance, Represent the Spiritual Life Center, sharing programs, events, and enthusiasm to Shabbat participants, Check email every day and respond as needed, Communicate regularly with the Director, sharing ideas, needs, event dates, etc. & Participate in any mandatory trainings both at Bentley and at HCNE, such as DEI/ODI, Title IX, etc. The Jewish Chaplain role would be co-supervised by the Executive Director of Hillel Council of New England and the Director of Spiritual Life at Bentley University. They would be a Bentley affiliate (Bentley email, etc.) with payroll and professional development opportunities administered through HCNE. The ideal candidate will be comfortable traveling on Shabbat and holidays. Apply on: