2024-25 Fall, Spring & Summer Trimesters


Effective for Fall 2024 tuition and fees payments: AJR accepts only ACH bank transfers (no credit cards or checks)
Any late payments made after July 31, 2024 for the 2023-24 academic year must also be paid by ACH bank transfers.
  • Fall trimester registration is due on or before 6:00pm eastern on Thursday, July 18, 2024 and must be accompanied by your $1000 deposit and financial aid application, if applying.
  • Spring trimester registration is due on or before 6:00pm eastern on Thursday, December 19, 2024 and must be accompanied by your $1000 deposit and financial aid application, if applying.
  • Summer trimester registration is due on or before 6:00pm eastern on Thursday, April 10, 2025 and must be accompanied by your $1000 deposit and financial aid application, if applying.
  • All matriculated students who register after the deadlines listed above will be assessed a late fee of $150, plus an additional $5 per day, until they register.

ALL STUDENTS  (including those maintaining matriculation) are required to register.

Students pay tuition according to the following schedule:

Credits Tuition
1.0 $1,568
2.0 $3,136
3.0 $4,704
4.0 $6,272
5.0 $7,840
6.0 $9,408
7.0 $10,680
8.0 $11,167
9.0 $11,167
10.0 $11,167
11.0 $11,526
12.0 $11,526
13.0 $11,526
14.0 $11,526

*Per each additional credit over 14 credits – $1,394

Mechina Program

The AJR Mechina Hebrew Program is a three trimester progression which prepares students to take Hebrew 250 (1A). Classes meet two days a week. The special tuition rate for Mechina is $4120 per trimester.  Each student will take a Hebrew placement test to confirm where in the Mechina program they belong.  See the Academic Catalog, Section XVII for more information.


Hover over or tap each fee name for more information.

Accelerated Program Fee


Alternate Intensive and Retreat


Application Fee

$375 (ordination program); $50 (M.A. program)

Audit (Alumni)

$500 – ARC Members
$775 – Non-ARC Members

[fees are halved for a one credit course]

Audit (Current Student)

Audit rate is one-half the applicable rate per each audited course

Bulk Transfer Credit and Advanced Standing Fee


Coaching with AJR Nusah Instructors


Coaching with Outside Instructors




Fall Retreat

Single Room Supplement + $175


$1568 – counts towards the total for tuition package

Incomplete Extension Fee


Independent Study Fee


Late Registration Fee

$150 the day after registration ends & increases by $5 per day until registration is completed

Late Payment Fee

$175 automatically assessed the day after a missed payment was due

Maintain Matriculation Registration


Master’s Project Fee


Payment Processing Error Fee


Registration Fee


Ritual Skills Workshop


Senior Ordination Fee


Shalosh Regalim Fee


Spring Intensive

Single Room Supplement + $175

Transfer Credit and Advanced Standing Fee

$200 per 2 credits

Optional Student Association dues of $36 are collected in the fall and spring trimester with registration.

CORE CONCEPTS SEMINAR – Ordination students are required to take four of the six trimesters of Core Concepts Seminar. Rabbinical and cantorial students are not charged for these four seminars and receive no credit.

FIELDWORK SUPPORT SEMINAR – Although students receive no credit for Fieldwork Support Seminar it costs $3,316 and is considered two credits for purposes of tuition package calculation. Fieldwork approval is required & the form can be downloaded here: FWSS Approval Request Form.

Tuition Payments

  • Full payment (or your first payment plan payment) for Fall Trimester 2024 is due by Thursday, August 29, 2024.
  • Full payment (or your first payment plan payment) for Spring Trimester 2025 tuition is due by Thursday, January 9, 2025.
  • Full payment for Summer Trimester 2025 (or your first payment plan payment) is due by Thursday, May 1, 2025.
  • Please Note:
    • All payment of tuition and fees take place in Populi and must be made by setting up your ACH bank transfer.
    • If there is a reason why this automatic payment is a hardship please speak with the registrar.
  • Should full payment not be received by August 29, January 9, and May 1 respectively, students will automatically be put on a payment plan. Students will not be able to re-register (unless an arrangement to complete payment is reached) or be ordained until full payment is received. The penalty for failure to pay in full by the end of the trimester is based on the amount of unpaid balance. The penalty will be assessed monthly until the balance is paid.
    If the Balance is: The Penalty is:
    Less than $100 $ 50
    $100 to $500 $100
    $501 and up $150
  • Payment Plan – If full payment poses a hardship, tuition may be paid in monthly installments. The AJR installment plan must be set up as automatic payments in Populi using an ACH bank transfer. Installments payments for Fall Trimester are due on August 29, September 26, and October 31. Installment payments for Spring Trimester are due on the January 9, February 13, and March 13. Installment payments for the Summer Trimester are due on the May 1, June 5 and July 3. A late payment fee of $175 will be assessed if payment is not received by the due date. This fee will be automatically assessed the day after a payment is missed.


  • Refunds (Complete Withdrawal from Term) – Students who cancel their entire registration prior to the first day of classes are entitled to a refund of 95% of that trimester’s tuition; students who withdraw after the first day of classes during the first two weeks of the term are entitled to a refund of 80% of that trimester’s tuition; students who withdraw during the third week of classes are entitled to a refund of 60% of that trimester’s tuition. No refunds will be made after the start of the fourth week of the term.
  • Refunds (One or More Courses – but not all courses) – Students who drop a course within the add/drop period will do so without penalty. Students who withdraw from a course after the add/drop period ends, but within the first month of a trimester (for a course that runs the entire term), or within the first two weeks of the course for a course that runs half the term, are entitled to a refund of 60% of the tuition for that course. No refunds will be made after the first four weeks of classes for a course that runs the entire term or after the first two weeks of a course that runs half the term.
  • Intersession Refunds – Students who cancel registration of an intersession course prior to the start of the first day of the course are entitled to a refund of 95% of the course. Given the condensed nature of intersession courses, students who withdraw from an intersession course by 11:59 am on the first day, are entitled to a 50% refund for a two-day intersession course, and a 75% refund for a four-day course. If a student withdraws from an intersession course after 11:59 am on the first day of the course, no refund will be given.
  • Registration fees, in all cases, are nonrefundable.
  • All refunds will be made by check.

Specific Policies for GI Bill Recipients

Credit for Prior Learning (38 CFR 21.4254(c )(3). The school maintains a written record of the previous education and training of the GI Bill recipient and grant credit appropriately, with the training period shortened proportionately.

Pro Rata Refund (38 CFR 21.4254(c)(13), 21.455). We will refund the unused portion of prepaid tuition and fees on a pro rata basis. The exact proration will be determined on the ratio of the number of days of instruction completed by the student to the total number of instructional days in the course. Any amount in excess of $10.00 for an enrollment fee or registration fee will also be prorated.