Parshiyot Nitzavim-Vayelekh 5784
September 23, 2024
Rabbi Susan Elkodsi (AJR '15)
What does it mean to “choose life”?
Parashiyot Nitzavim-Vayeilekh 5783
September 6, 2023
Rabbi Greg Schindler (’09)
“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
-Inaugural Address of Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt (March 4, 1933)
Parashat Nitzavim – Vayeilekh 5780
September 11, 2020
Tomorrow’s Giants On Our Shoulders A D’var Torah for Parashat Nitzavim-Vayeilekh By Rabbi David Markus We stand on the shoulders of giants. Much that we have, much that we are becoming, are harvests of trees our ancestors planted. We inherit their shalshelet – their spiritual and practical causation both wise and unwise, healthy and not – along with what they received from their ancestry. Legacy courses through us as history’s heartbeat. We and how we live our lives are the next beat, the eternal river’s next bend on its endless flow. So of course, we stand on yesterday’s shoulders. But how about tomorrow’s giants on our shoulders? If we really felt the future on our shoulders, would we live differently? Torah’s Nitzavim-Vayeilekh asks that question directly. The Covenant is made with “everyone standing here today,” and also “everyone not standing here today” (Deut. 29:13-14). “Everyone not standing here today” are...