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Posted on September 17, 2024

Beth Israel Congregation - Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Conservative, Egalitarian, Inclusive/Diverse

If there is a successful shidduch between you, as Rabbi, and us, as your congregation, this is what you will find shortly after arriving: We are a fully egalitarian Conservative (USCJ) shul with prayer services almost entirely in Hebrew, We have deep roots (>110 years), with some of the founding families still currently active, We have healthy new growth, with 50 new members joining over the past 5 years, We flourish under a broad canopy that supports diversity in levels of observance, paths to Jewish life, Jewish knowledge and commitment, personal and gender identity, sexual orientation, race, etc., We have strong lay leadership and are financially secure, As Rabbi of Beth Israel, you are the lead Jewish voice in Kingston, We maintain strong connections with the other local Jewish organizations, e.g. Hillel, Kingston Jewish Council, Jewish Studies at Queen’s University, etc., As a community of 150 member families, we actually like each other and get along well, Our Clergy and Staff enjoy working with us, and stay for a while (6+ years) & Although formally employee/employer, your relationship with us is covenantal, as together we strive to do God’s work on earth. We recently surveyed our membership and more than 50% of those contacted responded. Our priorities are clear: Across all demographics, our membership wants our incoming Rabbi to relate well to members, be a strong teacher for children and adults, and provide energetic leadership to our congregation. However, it is the Rabbi who provides the vision and to some extent shapes the identity of the congregation. In this regard, the Rabbi serves both as coach and cheerleader. In descending order of frequency of being mentioned, our priorities are: conserving our quality Talmud Torah, preserving and enhancing our congregation as a warm and welcoming community, and providing opportunities for adult Jewish learning, joyful prayer services, and support for seniors and those unwell. The congregation voted to change its ritual from Orthodox to Conservative in 2012. Over the next few years, religious practice became fully egalitarian. The equal participation of women and men led to a revitalization of the congregation. Beth Israel’s Constitution states: “Beth Israel’s purpose shall be to foster the teachings of Judaism and the Jewish tradition and to promote a sense of Jewish community. To achieve these objectives, the Congregation shall maintain an organization and a Synagogue for religious worship, a Talmud Torah, and provide for adult education, social and cultural activities.” For more Jewish community information: https://jewishkingston.org. We are not limiting our search to members of the Rabbinical Assembly. However, applicants should understand that Beth Israel follows Conservative ritual and standards. Applicants are advised to apply as soon as possible with a cover letter and resume to [email protected] and [email protected] and no later than November 3, 2024. Projected start date: August 1, 2025. Search Committee Co-Chairs: Leonard Harris & Stacey Reed.  www.kingstonbethisrael.ca.
