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Senior Rabbi  

Posted on February 13, 2024

Congregation B'nai Tzedek - Potomac, MD

Conservative, Inclusive/Diverse

B’nai Tzedek is a welcoming, inclusive and innovative Conservative Jewish synagogue in the heart of Potomac, where members feel strongly connected to each other, our heritage and the broader Jewish community. Our vision is to be a leading Conservative community committed to perpetuating Jewish traditions and values.  We are Israel advocates on the local, national and international scenes and leaders in tikkun olam for the Greater Washington Jewish Community. We are seeking a Senior Rabbi who will be following the founding Rabbi that has served the congregation for over 35 years. Pastoral skills are essential to our congregants, not only to create a deeper connection to our synagogue, but also to meaningfully connect with their Rabbi. Being able to seek counsel and knowing that their Rabbi will be there for them when needed will help our congregants as they navigate through life’s uncertainties. Pulpit skills are also essential as many of our congregants look forward to hearing the Rabbi’s sermon (via email or YouTube) even if unable to attend services that week. Being able to keep sermons relevant, humorous, and engaging as well as providing meaningful commentary throughout our services helps build deeper connections to our congregation and encourages greater participation. Along with the pastoral and pulpit skills that we feel are essential, education is important for our congregation. The Washington, DC area is one of the most highly educated areas in the country and it should therefore be no surprise that we love to learn at all ages! Most importantly, and with all the difficult messaging aimed at our teens, we need a Rabbi who can relate to, and help guide, our confirmation class students and young teens to help prepare them for the world they will encounter on college campuses and beyond. Although we are not restricting our search to members of the Rabbinical Assembly (RA), the Rabbi is expected to comport themselves in accordance with the laws and traditions of Conservative Judaism as observed by our community. Any questions should be directed to the Chairs of our Search Committee through email at [email protected].Cover letter and resume should be directed to the Chairs of our Search Committee through email at [email protected]. http://www.bnaitzedek.org
