Parashat Noah 5780
Deluge, Ancient and Modern
A D’var Torah for Parashat Noah
By Rabbi Len Levin
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, and all their host. God saw everything that God made, that it was good. All the beings and creatures followed the innate laws of their being, as implanted in them by their creator. Everything was perfectly orderly and predictable.
Then God created human beings and granted them free will. All hell broke loose, and all bets were off.
Corruption spread from humans to all God’s creation. The world was reverting to chaos faster than God could catch the divine breath that was hovering over the waters. God resolved to wipe out the entirety of earthly creation, except for a few specimens from each species that God’s chosen human representative Noah would salvage in order to start over.
After the deluge, God considered what changes to institute to give things a better chance the next Read More >