Parashat Bemidbar 5779
The “New” Tribes of Israel
A D’var Torah for Parashat Bemidbar
By Rabbi Irwin Huberman (’10)
Over the centuries, there has been much debate and speculation regarding the fate of the twelve tribes of Israel.
In recent years, with the advent of such genealogy programs as and 23andMe, there has been considerable interest within the Jewish world and beyond in tracing our roots and countries of origin.
Yet, in spite of this new technology, few of us, with the exception of the Kohanim and Levi’im, know which tribe we descend from.
But, can we truly say, in 2019, that the idea of tribalism within Judaism is passé? Perhaps not.
In Biblical times, each Israelite knew where they came from. Each tribe has its own banner. Each tribe had its own personality. In the closing portion of the Book of Genesis, in his last days, Jacob gathers his twelve sons, and gives each tribe its own blessing according to that personality. Read More >