Naso 5778
A Puzzling Law, Seen in Context
A D’var Torah for Naso
by Rabbi Len Levin
“I will not punish their daughters for loose behavior,
Nor their daughters-in-law for infidelity,
For they themselves turn aside with whores
And sacrifice with prostitutes” (Hosea 4:14).
Sometimes the Torah speaks to us as a timeless document, whose proclamations (“love your neighbor as yourself”; “you shall love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt” — Lev. 19:18, Deut. 10:19) are as relevant to us today as when they were first uttered.
At other times, its laws seem situated in a culture and society so remote from ours, that to tease the universal message from its particulars is a frustrating and complicated task. The law of the ordeal of the bitter waters for the wife of the jealous husband is one of those cases.
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