Parashat Pinhas 5784

July 22, 2024

Hazzan Rabbi Luis Cattan ('20)

How can an Israeli soldier go back to sleep after battling in Gaza?

I have been struggling with this question. It comes from the feeling that on top of the pain, sorrow, astonishment, and anger, we are now dealing with the fact that our people are forced to do something we didn’t want. How do we achieve peace with the enemy? It is upon us and the enemy, hopefully soon; but how can our soldiers achieve peace with themselves?

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Parashat Balak – 5784

July 16, 2024

Rabbi Marge Wise (AJR '21)

Our parashah for this coming Shabbat, Parashat Balak, gives us much to think about in terms of the impact of our words as they translate into our actions.

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Parashat Hukkat 5784

July 10, 2024

Rabbi Enid C. Lader ('10)

Our Torah portion this week begins with describing “zot hukkat haTorah – the ritual law” concerning the red heifer.

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Parashat Korah 5784

July 1, 2024

Cantor Robin Anne Joseph (’96)

“I’m falling on my face” is a phrase I heard many-a-time growing up. What it usually meant was “I’m exhausted,” “I have no more energy,” or “proceed without me.” When my mother would say it out loud, I knew enough to give her some space, or some time to rest, or get my tuchus in gear and help cook dinner.

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Parashat Shelah 5784

June 24, 2024

Rabbi Rob Scheinberg

A French Catholic teen’s first glimpse of Jews wrapped in their Tallitot led him to intuit one of Judaism’s essential values

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