Hol HaMoed Pesah 5783
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A D’var Torah for Hol HaMoed Pesah
By Rabbi Ira J. Dounn (’17)
The Passover story, which we recount in our seders this week, highlights Moses (on behalf of G-d) telling Pharoah to “Let My people go!” (Exodus 5:1)
And yet I wonder: What are the things that we are holding onto? What do we need to let go of in our own lives?
The pre-Passover purge might indicate that we’re not too shabby at letting go of things. The spring cleaning that features the throwing away, giving away, or selling of our hametz is a reminder to us that it’s good to let things go.
But anyone who has had the unenviable job of cleaning out the home of a loved one who has passed away might find the task more daunting. In this instance, the only physical thing we have left of the person are their Read More >