Parashat Aharei Mot-Kedoshim
by Cantor Sandy Horowitz
Parashat Aharei Mot-Kedoshim: A Look Back
Max: Aaron has asked us to divide into groups and share our reflections about what we heard from Moses today. So many laws! I lost track after fifty.
Hannah: “You, who are on the road, must have a code that you can live by….”*
Max: What?
Hannah: I heard that in a dream once.
Shira: How long will this take? Miriam’s doing folk-dancing tonight and I promised her I’d bring my timbrel…
Shmuel: What’s with all those Ani Adonai (“I am Adonai”)s? He kept repeating it.
Max: Perhaps it helps us remember a Higher Purpose whenever we consider these laws.
Shmuel: Or maybe he’s still mad about the golden calf…
Max: I was struck by hearing the laws regarding land: we’re commanded to leave the corners of our fields for the poor and hungry, fruit-trees grow unpicked for three years and then we sacrifice the first fruits before we can Read More >